Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast

About the show

The Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast accompanies the Mathematics Teacher Educator Journal and co-sponsored by the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


  • Episode 48: Design Principles That Support Course Design Innovation for Elementary Mathematics Methods Courses

    June 1st, 2023  |  Season 12  |  33 mins 56 secs
    preservice teacher education; mathematics teacher education; self-study

    Learning to teach mathematics is a complex endeavor, requiring sustained focus and time. Yet time is especially scarce in elementary teacher education programs, where preservice teachers (PSTs) learn all content areas. Through a collaborative self-study, five teacher educators identified three time-related tensions in elementary mathematics methods courses: (a) teaching mathematics content and pedagogy; (b) connecting theory and practice; and (c) promoting social contexts in teaching mathematics. To address these tensions, we offer three design principles and illustrative examples: (a) addressing multiple goals for each course component; (b) developing PSTs’ dispositions over time; and (c) building on PSTs’ strengths to develop understanding of mathematics. We present a reflection tool to assist mathematics teacher educators in designing their courses to maximize their instructional time.

  • Episode 47: Taking a Spatial Turn in Mathematics Teacher Education

    June 1st, 2023  |  Season 12  |  34 mins 41 secs
    space; place; spatial justice; mathematics teacher education

    The spaces we inhabit and the physical communities in which we learn all affect how we come to experience the world, construct what mathematics is to us, and develop how we teach mathematics. In this theory-to-practice article, we discuss why explicitly considering spatial ways of knowing is important in mathematics teacher education. We begin by providing theoretical arguments for the importance of considering space in mathematics education. We then present a rationale for why considering space is so important in mathematics teacher education, specifically discussing links to the practice of teaching mathematics. Examples of how to consider tasks related to spatial justice are provided to help reimagine what an mathematics teacher education task can look like.

  • Episode 46: Developing Equity Literacy and Critical Statistical Literacy in Secondary Mathematics Preservice Teachers

    May 22nd, 2023  |  Season 12  |  27 mins 35 secs
    preservice teacher education; equity; statistics

    There is a lack of teacher education materials that develop equity literacy in content courses for preservice secondary mathematics teachers. In response, we created teacher education curriculum materials for introductory statistics that include an integrated focus on developing equity literacy and critical statistical literacy. In this article, we provide an overview of our materials’ design along with a detailed look at one activity regarding racial demographics and tracking in high school STEM courses. We present evidence regarding the positive impact of these materials on the teacher candidates’ competency, value, and likelihood of applying their equity literacy and critical statistical literacy. Implications for mathematics teacher educators working to develop equity literacy together with content knowledge are discussed.