Karen Hollebrands,
Special guest
Karen Hollebrands, has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Episode 27: Editorial February 2021: Considering Connections Across Research Questions, Data, Methods, and Claims
May 4th, 2021 | Season 7 | 18 mins 23 secs
A key component of a Mathematics Teacher Educator (MTE) journal article is a description of the innovation or tool that was used with teachers and a report of the details of the research on that innovation/tool. In our September editorial we highlighted the innovation. In this editorial, we will focus on the importance of aligning research questions, data, and claims with existing research and theories to present a strong and coherent argument about the contribution the innovation/tool makes to mathematics teacher education.
Episode 17: Editorial: Analyzing Eight Years of Mathematics Teacher Educator Articles: Where We Were, Where We Are, and Where We Are Going
June 29th, 2020 | Season 5 | 34 mins 57 secs
In this editorial, an analysis of articles published in the Mathematics Teacher Educator journal (MTE) from 2012 to 2020, which describes the knowledge base for mathematics teacher educators addressed by MTE authors, is presented. This analysis builds on similar work conducted four years ago (Bieda, 2016). These more recent findings demonstrate that articles focusing on teacher knowledge; mathematical content; student thinking and reasoning;
and models of teacher preparation or in-service professional development (PD) have been the most frequently published in MTE. In contrast, a limited number of articles have focused on discourse; diversity, equity, and language; technology; and methods of research. This examination allows us to assess as a community where we were, where we are, and where we might go in the future.