Charmaine Mangram
Special guest
Charmaine Mangram has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 28: Supporting Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Judgment Around Digital Technology Use
May 11th, 2021 | Season 7 | 30 mins 12 secs
mathematics methods course; grades 6–12; use appropriate tools strategically; technology
The pervasiveness of digital technology creates an imperative for mathematics teacher educators to prepare preservice teachers (PSTs) to select technology to support students’ mathematical development. We report on research conducted on an assignment created for and implemented in secondary mathematics methods courses
requiring PSTs to select and evaluate digital mathematics tools. We found that PSTs primarily focused on pedagogical fidelity (ease of use), did not consider mathematical fidelity (accuracy), and at times superficially attended to cognitive fidelity (how well the tool reflects students’ mathematical thinking processes) operationalized as the CCSS for Mathematical Practice and Five Strands of Mathematical Proficiency. We discuss implications for implementing the assignment and suggestions for addressing PSTs’ challenges with identifying the mathematical practices and five strands.